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    U.S. Distributors
    Area 1 - SeaWestern: (801) 452-3602 
    Area 2 - MagneGrip: (800) 875-5440
    Area 3 - Aire-Deb Corp: (800) 719-3429 
    Area 4 - Murphy Specialty Inc: (617) 361-3242

    International Distributors
    AirEau (MagneGrip Products): (866) 629-4356

    Emergence Securite (AirHAWK Products):
    (514) 241-2290

    Myers Marketing: 972-3-558-1430

    New Zealand
    Chubb Fire & Safety: 64-9-270-7234

    South Korea
    WIN-US Rescue & Aviation Co., Ltd.
    82-2-3661-4818 or 82-17-210-5209

    Virgin Islands
    Alcatraz Technology: 340-715-3798

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